Caring for Carers

Caring for Carers

Carers can be a friend, neighbour, extended family, spouse, sibling, child, or parent. Caring for someone with a serious illness can change your life in different ways. It can be both rewarding and sometimes overwhelming. Making time for yourself is important.

Caring for someone at home at the end of life is complicated and you may find it challenging. The intensity of the caring situation can be hard to deal with. You might find it hard to sleep, feel anxious or worried. Your friends may not visit as often. This can affect you and your family. Self-care is what we do to maintain balance in our life.

As well as finding services such as respite care to allow you and the person you are caring for to take a break, it can be helpful to have a self-care plan. Having a written plan can help you to build what you like to do into the daily activities of caring. Think of activities for both short and longer lengths of time so that you can be flexible but still take time for yourself.

Helpful Resources

  • If you are supporting someone who has taken on the role of carer vist the palliAGED Illness and family caring pages with Tips for supporting carers.
  • For more support visit Carer Help to access tools and tips for carers on caring.
  • Carers Gateway provides Education Modules for carers:
    • Dealing with stress
    • Effective communication techniques
    • Recharge and reconnect
    • Legal issues
    • Social connections
    • Sleep.

Page updated 29 April 2020