Engagement Project

CareSearch/palliAGED Engagement Project 2017-2020

palliAGED provides access to evidence-based information in support of best practice palliative care for older people. But we also understand that making this available is often of itself not enough.

In response to this, the CareSearch / palliAGED Engagement Project was launched in 2017. The aim was to develop and test a structured engagement framework approach to guide efforts to better understand how different sectors access and disseminate information, and to learn what palliative care information is needed. As part of this, in the 2017-2020 funding period, the project team engaged with representatives from three target groups: Aged Care, Allied Health, and Patients, Carers, and Families.

Throughout 2018-19 we have worked with each of these sectors to develop an action plan and use the knowledge gained to increase awareness and understanding of palliative care, to strengthen our connections with professional and community groups, and to ensure that everyone has access to reliable information that they can trust.

A full listing of Engagement Project activity across all three sectors including action plans, publications and presentations is available on CareSearch. Some of the activities undertaken with the aged care sector and other recent publications relevant to the sector are listed below. A summary of the Engagement Project is available as a factsheet (272kb pdf).

Aged Care

Recent Publications

Allied Health White Paper: Allied Health in Australia and its Role in Palliative Care

Allied Health (AH) is expected to play an increasing role in aged care and primary care settings in meeting the personal and clinical needs of older Australians approaching the end of their life. AH is a key part of palliative care provision but evidence about their role and practice is still emerging.

As part of the Engagement Project, a background paper on the context of AH practice in Australia was produced for use by professionals, services, and AH organisations. Key findings of the Allied Health White Paper include the need to support AH with education and upskilling in palliative care, funding to support their work in palliative care, and more accurate data on the use of AH services.

Page created 05 March 2020