Better engagement with boards of services
There was general agreement that creating service level activities is useful. However, these should reach level of decision makers. The argument for why palliative care should be a priority needs to be posed to the boards of aged care organisations to get traction. This argument for change could be framed in terms of community pressure for better quality palliative care and the potential impact of complaints.
A board solution
A board solution was proposed that involves creating the business case for change by stating why palliative care is good business. Messaging could focus on:
- Consumer expectations and consumer differentiation point
- Risk analysis of not attending to this (Standards, complaints, quality indicators, star ratings, reputation)
- Funding/finances make good sense
- Making it easy with policy templates
Using Standards as a lever for change
Develop tools that support organisations to demonstrate compliance with standards and guidance on what to do if standards are not met.
Shifting cultural perspectives
A common theme of the day was the need to normalise death and dying as part of aged care for staff, the board, and residents/clients and their families. A booklet that spells out what might be expected on the end-of-life journey (not just in last days) was one proposal.
Create a Case for change
- Develop a framework and business case for services to use with their board on why focusing on palliative care is good business. Messaging could focus on:
- Financial pathway given funding changes in HSP and AN-ACC Class1. Link to GP practice Incentives
- Competitive advantage in quality care through to the end of life
- Risk analysis of not attending to this (Standards, complaints, quality indicators, star ratings, reputation)
- Develop clinical governance policy and provide Outcome 5.7 solutions
- Making it easy with policy templates
- Use KPMG report on the cost of palliative care to sell to boards
- Leadership course on palliative care for the board
Page created 10 february 2025