As leaders within your service, you need to consider the training and development of your team in both the residential and the home care setting. While staff may have different responsibilities and service processes, they all need trustworthy resources to support their care for older people as they approach the end of life. There are many ways that you could use the palliAGED suite of information and resources to support your staff and your service.
The Getting Started page links your knowledge or practice need with suggested resources.
Practical things you can do
Orientation and training can support the capability and confidence of you team. You can integrate selected resources into your in-house training or orientation. Suggestions include:
- Create a plan for palliative care orientation for nurses new to your service. You can nominate specific modules and Practice Tip Sheets for them to complete and discuss with you.
- Use our palliAGED modules and Practice Tip Sheets as part of your inhouse training calendar.
- Order some palliAGED printed resources to have in your tea room or staff area.
- Develop a focus month to highlight palliative care or a specific palliative care issue with links to the relevant modules and tip sheets.
- Select individual Tip Sheets to stimulate in-house discussions.
- Use the palliAGED forms to discuss care processes.
- Talk about tools clinical tools and assessment tools can help identify and monitor symptoms and care needs. palliAGED has links to tools and forms.
- Suggest GPs download the CareSearchgp app. Provide them with a leaflet.
Embedding palliAGED in your service
There are many other ways you can prompt team engagement with end of life. Here are a few suggestions of how you can use palliAGED to embed end of life in your processes.
- Loading the Introduction to palliative care modules for aged care to your local LMS means you can track who in your service has completed education which can be handy for reporting purposes. Contact palliAGED to find out more.
- Add your logo to the palliAGED forms and use them in-house.
- Recommend the Improving care section to staff so they can reflect on their practice in 42 areas.
- Have staff download the palliAGEDnurse App so that consistent evidence-based practice is applied.
- Learn more about Implementation Approaches to guide change initiatives and projects dealing with end of life.
- Download the self care plan (207kb pdf) and run a session on self-care and managing grief arising from caring for older people at the end of life.
- Use the Evidence pages to support the development of palliative care policy and procedures.
- Go to Understanding the Standards to learn more about preparing for the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Find and cherish your champions. Change is often driven by a single person within an organisation. These are our palliative care champions.
Page created 13 May 2021