Most people want to live independently for as long as possible. But as we age, we may need additional supports and services. Needs can be more than physical and domestic assistance and cover areas such as emotional and social supports or supports with financial and legal matters. As well as family and friends, older people may have access to support through aged care services.
Aged care can help the older person and their families by providing them with access to trustworthy information that can help them to recognise care and support needs, understand what to expect, and know what needs to be done as a person comes to the end of their life.
Key palliAGED resources you share with the older person and families are listed below. You can also order printed copies of the Grief and Loss for Families booklet and the CareSearch booklet.
CareSearch and CarerHelp have extensive resources for people requiring palliative care and for family and friends providing care to people as they come to the end of their life. You can recommend them as a trustworthy source of information to older people, families and others in your service.