COVID-19 Highlighted Resources

COVID-19 Highlighted Resources

This section is aimed at raising awareness of selected resources that can be of help during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more resources visit:


Response to COVID-19 infection in RAC

Highlighted Resource

The Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care has developed the 'First 24 Hours - managing COVID-19 in a residential aged care facility' document to guide Residential Aged Care (RAC) responses following identification of a COVID-19 positive case.

Print out or save to your computer the full guidance document. All steps should be followed in order and according to the time frames indicated.

To help you monitor progress through the guidance steps we have developed a checklist. You can print or save this fillable form (134kb pdf) to your computer.

Visit the following resources for more support with responding:

Supporting staff and self-care

Highlighted Resource

A group of trauma specialists in the UK have recognised the need to support managers and decision makers in their psychosocial response to COVID-19. The result of this is an evidence based and trauma-informed guidance document for supporting care home staff (261kb pdf).

We have summarised their document here to support those leading the front line response to COVID-19 in care homes. Print it out now for your office or staff room.

The COVID trauma resonse working group found that staff working in care homes face many challenges unique to their setting that impact on residents, families and staff. You can read about this and more at

Visit the following resources for more support with staff self-care

  • Australian resources 
    • Pandemic Kindness Movement - resources to support health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Nurse & Midwife Support is available for all nurses and midwives, nursing and midwifery students, employers, educators and concerned family and friends
    • DRS4DRS is a subsidiary of the AMA. This website promotes the health and wellbeing of doctors and medical students across Australia
  • Blogs

Page updated 31 August 2020