Providing Care as an Aged Care Nurse

Providing Care as an Aged Care Nurse

As a nurse caring for older people in the last months and days of life, you will be responding to different issues and needs to provide compassionate and person-centred care. Over time nurses will address different needs and concerns when caring for an older person coming to the end of their life.

By building your awareness of different issues and palliAGED has evidence and practice resources you are building your personal knowledge and skills and contributing to a more capable and confident workforce. There are also printed resources you can order.

There are also printed resources you can order for yourself or for others in your team.

Building your skills

Practice Tips for Nurses is a good place to start if you are not confident with your palliative care knowledge and skills. The booklet provides guidance and reflection on 42 critical practice and care issues nurses are likely to encounter. They are a great refresher for you or a good resource to share with new members of your team. You can also register for the palliAGED newsletter and receive monthly updates, information on new resources in the sector and links to the latest evidence.

Our database of training and education resources means you can easily find learning opportunities. The section includes information on the National Palliative Care Program projects and on formal university qualifications.

The CareSearch Nurses Hub provides detailed information on nursing issues related to palliative care and can link you with other resources and projects.

Implementing changes

Ensuring quality in clinical care and service delivery is a major focus within aged care. Nurses in aged care provide leadership to the care staff as well as providing direct care to older people. You may also be involved with quality improvement activities or supporting innovation within their service.

You can find out more about Quality Improvement in our Evidence page. Our Supporting Change section provides has information on Implementation Approaches and examples of Quality Improvement projects in Australia. 

Taking care of yourself

Working in aged care can be challenging given the care demand and the reform context. Caring for older people as they can come to the end of their life is rewarding and meaningful but can also be emotionally and clinically challenging. Recognising the effects of providing end of life care is important to support your personal wellbeing and to contribute to a workplace culture that is positive.

palliAGED has a self-care plan that can help you identify activities and practices to support and sustain your wellbeing as a professional. This self-care plan has been written for aged care workforce. Nurse and Midwife Support is a 24/7 national support service for nurses & midwives providing access to confidential advice and referral.

Page created 07 February 2025