Commonwealth Home Support Programs

Commonwealth Home Support

What it is: Commonwealth Home Support Programs (CHSP) provide a wide range of services on both an ad hoc and low intensity basis for older people living at home who require only a limited and/or periodic assistance.

CHSP services cover much of the same type of services as home care packages, however they are typically for provision of support at lower levels of intensity and not for complex care needs. The CHSP also funds some community transport schemes and respite cottages.

CHSP funding is typically paid to an organisation on a ‘block funded’ basis and the person pays a small fee per service rather than a fixed, regular payment. Approximately 90% of providers are not-for profit or government services. [2]

Until recently the CHSP was a jointly funded program between the Federal and State Governments when the program was called Home and Community Care (HACC). While there have been some changes the CHSP and HACC programs are essentially of the same type.

Access: CHSP is the most commonly accessed aged care service in Australia (65% of people receiving aged care services). As at 30 June 2018, there were 847,534 people receiving Home Support in Australia. [2] Access requires assessment by the Regional Assessment Teams. This is less comprehensive than the ACAT.

Services received: Once approved clients can plan and manage the services they wish to receive. Guidance is available through MyAgedCare. There is no formal means testing in the Commonwealth Home Support Program. [2]

Page created 20 June 2019

Palliative Care: The new Aged Care Quality Standards require all aged care service providers to deliver care in accordance with best practice, this includes palliative care where appropriate. [1]

Among CHSP clients the common causes of death, advanced cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, cancer and COPD are all life limiting illnesses likely to benefit from palliative care services.
  • References

  1. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. Aged Care Quality Standards 2018 [Internet]. [cited 2018 Nov 20].
  2. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Navigating the maze: an overview of Australia's current aged care system - Background Paper 1. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety; 2019 Feb.