Finding Support - Resources

Finding Support - Resources

For everyone

  • When someone is very ill at home, they need help and support to remain safe and comfortable at home. This CareSearch Video gives some examples of the care that can be provided.
  • CarerHelp has a range of resources and information for carers of people receiving palliative care.
  • You may find yourself caring for someone with a life-limiting illness (446kb pdf). This CareSearch Factsheet gives you information about the caring role and what other services might be available to support you.
  • To find out who provides palliative care visit the What is Palliative Care section of palliAGED. This section will also help you to access services and support for palliative care. For this you may need a referral to the specialist palliative care team.
  • If you need more information about palliative care services and providers, or want to find one in your area visit the Palliative care Australia directory of services.
  • You can also find health services through Health Direct.
  • Understanding what may happen towards the end of life can help reduce fear, anxiety and stress. Visit the palliAGED At the End of Life pages to learn more.
  • Caring for a person with a terminal illness is different for everyone. Health offer some insights into caring for someone and thoughts about the place of death.
  • Carers are a key support for those that have a life-limiting illness. Barwon Heath provide a palliative care toolkit that provides information and resources to find support and address carers’ needs. Some of the information is specific to services available in Barwon Health region.
  • When someone dies, there is a lot to do. Services Australia provide information on what to do when someone dies.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

  • Finding the support that is right for you and your family/ carers is important. My Aged Care have information that meets your cultural and care needs.

Care leavers

  • To learn more about Australian orphanages, children’s homes and other institutions Find and connect support services can be contacted on 1800 161 109 free call, Monday to Friday 9-5pm to be connected with support services.
  • The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Link-up provides a family tracing service to members of the stolen generations throughout Australia. There are no services in ACT or Tasmania.
  • Alliance for forgotten Australians finding help page provides information on advocacy groups and support services by state.
  • For free counselling, help getting state ward files, locating lost family members and support with Centrelink, housing and police/courts see the Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN).

Cultural and linguistically diverse people

  • The Victorian State Government Better Health Channel provide information relating to palliative care for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Information is available in many commonly spoken languages.
  • Cancer Council Victoria offer a free range of resources in other languages. This includes fact sheets and booklets relating to cancer as well as appointment cards.
  • To find an Aged care service with bilingual staff or multilingual health and aged care information visit the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing website.
  • If you are caring for a family member who requires health information about a medicine NPS Medicine Wise provide online translated resources in various languages.
  • The Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service has information in 19 languages. They also offer bilingual support for people living with HIV.
  • The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre offers primary health services to people seeking asylum in Victoria. This includes a General practice clinic, nurse clinic, immunisations, psychiatry, physiotherapy, diabetes care, pharmacy program and more. Priority is given to those without Medicare.
  • The Australian Red Cross offer a variety of migration support services. They offer emergency relief, settlement services, immigration detention monitoring, finding family and other services.
  • Services Australia provide information relating to your payments in your language. They offer a range of options for translation services such as translated text, interpreting services and videos for free.


  • Outcare offer reintegration services for those experiencing homelessness. They have career development services, volunteer programs, mental health support and accommodation programs.
  • City of Sydney homelessness provide services specific to those in the Sydney area. Tel: 02 9265 9333
  • Bolton Clarke Homeless Persons Program works with those at risk of homelessness or who are homeless and experiencing health issues. They offer nursing support and respond to people on the streets, in parks, with food programs. If you need help accessing services contact the Homeless Person's Program on 1300 22 11 22.
  • Mission Australia's goal is to end homelessness. They offer a range of services for all ages including homelessness and social housing. Visit their service directory for more information.
  • Find a homelessness support service near you with the Salvation Army service finder. Some of the services they offer are accommodation, case management services, advocacy, limited financial assistance, counselling and meals, as well as connection and referral to other specialist services.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex

Older people

  • My Aged Care is a gateway to aged care services. To access home care services that are meet your cultural needs visit their website.
  • It is important to feel supported as a carer so that you can continue to care for your loved one. Carers Australia have a range of supports for carers through the Carer Gateway, including phone-based counselling, coaching, emergency and planned respite, peer support, courses and help with finances.
  • Better Health channel offer support for people with dementia who live alone. The information ranges from facts about dementia, caring for someone who lives alone, support groups, counselling services, respite and where to get help.
  • Dementia Australia recognise the uniqueness of each person with dementia and provide information for those caring for someone who lives alone with dementia. To find out more about caring for someone who lives alone.
  • To get help with registering with My Aged Care HAAG older tenants offers support by volunteers. If you would like a HAAG volunteer to help you to register for My Aged Care call 03 9654 7389 and ask for Rebecca or Gemma from the Aged Care Navigator Program. HAAG older tenants also help with housing assistance. Call them on 1300 765 178 for assistance with housing - Interpreters are available.
  • Alices Garage are social enterprise that empower older LGBTI people by promoting healthy ageing. They provide resources and education that focus on inclusivity.
  • The diversity of older adults is one focus of Life in mind Older adults. They have resources on supporting yourself as you age and some information about the communities that older people overlap with.
  • The Department of Health website Head to Health provide resources to support aged and elderly people and their mental health. They focus on supporting yourself and others and have a section on what can I do right now.
  • Moving Pictures Project: Raising dementia awareness for CALD communities has a series of videos and comics about dementia for Hindi-, Tamil-, Mandarin-, Cantonese- and Arabic-speaking communities.


  • If you feel that you need Emergency support or advocacy contact OARS, Enquiries and helpline Tel: 08 8218 0700 or 08 8249 0700.
  • VACRO offer support to adults in prison and their families. Their Request support section may help you to reconnect.
  • The Outcare program offers a range of support and resources for people to reintegrate. Understand your needs and find resources to help you.

Rural and remote areas

  • Accessing treatment can prove to be a challenge in rural and remote areas. The Breast Cancer network Australia - support in rural areas have some practical tips for rural women with breast cancer.
  • National rural health alliance fact sheets are available and cover a variety of topics that are important in rural health.
  • Healthdirect rural and remote health provides information on health clinics, finding online support, attending hospital and more. They also provide practical tips such as planning ahead.
  • An important health resource for rural and remote Australians are nursing posts. You may find yourself far away from a hospital and having a nursing post nearby for emergency medical treatment and other health assessments can be useful. Health direct - Nursing Posts gives you information about nursing posts and where they are located.
  • The Australian Government website Head to Health have practical tips on what you can do now if you are feeling the effects of living in isolation.
  • For small communities that are not able to have a hospital and an aged care facility, Multi-purpose Service (MPS) provide combined health and aged care services for some rural and remote communities. To find out more visit My Aged Care support for people living in rural and remote areas.


Page created 04 November 2021