Evidence Summaries

Evidence Summaries


Under each topic heading you will find an Evidence Summary, a concise synopsis of findings of systematic reviews dealing with the topic in a palliative care/aged care context. Each Evidence Summary has a companion page with practical information found in the Practice Centre. Each Evidence Summary also has a companion Evidence Synthesis which is a more detailed discussion of the evidence. The Evidence Synthesis reports the gaps in the evidence base and may also include controversies in the literature. 

Systematic reviews synthesise the findings of studies relevant to a review question and do so using a method that aims to minimise bias. The included topics reflect the range of topics covered in the now superseded guidelines: Palliative Approach in Residential Aged Care (APRAC) and Palliative Approach for Aged Care in the Community (COMPAC). Additional topics, identified through a community consultation, have also be included. The details of the approach to development of the Evidence Centre is outlined in the Quality Process.

It is important to note that there are already many authoritative clinical sources to guide practice. Symptoms and Medicines highlight existing resources that provide guidance for a large number of symptoms, clinical issues and care practices.

Page updated 15 June 2017