Services and Supports

Services and Supports

Where to find practical palliative care resources and services

There are links here to practical resources and services that may help.

Legal and advance care planning resources

Practical help and equipment

Family carer resources



There are many community based transport services. Your health professional or your local council may have information about what is in your area. You and the person you are caring for can travel together. Fees are based on income.

Taxi companies can provide vehicles if you are disabled (including wheelchairs). You will need to book in advance. All Australian states and territories have taxi subsidy schemes. These are for people with a disability who cannot use public transport. Speak to your GP about this.

The Austroads website has information on Assessing Fitness to Drive.

Disability stickers

Reserved car park spaces are sometimes available for the disabled. These are helpful if walking is difficult. Having this can help you to continue to go out. This could be to the shops, the cinema, a sporting event, a concert, the park or the beach.

You will need to apply to obtain a disability sticker. Your doctor needs to sign the form. This could be your GP, the doctor at the hospital or your specialist. The forms are available from motor vehicle registration departments (the forms may also be available on their website). Your GP practice may also have them.

Rural patients' travel assistance schemes

All states and territories have some form of transport and accommodation assistance. These schemes may help if you live in rural areas to access specialist medical services. They may provide you with financial help for the cost of travel and accommodation. Ask your healthcare team about this scheme.

State based assistance schemes

State based transport schemes and their costs:

Taxi fare subsidy scheme:

Page created 17 November 2021