GPs and Primary Care

GPs and Primary Care

COVID-19 has been identified as a key issue for health and aged care. The Australian Government has adopted a whole of government emergency response which provides a framework for preparing for, responding to and managing COVID-19 in Australia.

For most patients dying in the community - at home, in RACFs, and in rural and remote areas - the coordinators and managers of palliative care will be GPs, nurses and local non-specialist medical services. There are many resources available that can support GPs and primary care providers. 

Variations in guidance between countries, states and health networks may occur. Please refer to local guidance where available and consider non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches as appropriate.


Getting more information:

Visit the National Palliative Care projects including:

Some medications listed in these guides are not available or are administered differently in Australia. See palliAGEDgp App for Australian guidance regarding medicines and dosing.

Some medications listed in these guides are not available or are administered differently in Australia. See palliAGEDgp App for Australian guidance regarding medicines and dosing.

Getting more information

You can call the National Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

The phone number of each state or territory public health agency is available at

To find out about local restictions put in place as part of the response to COVID-19 visit the Health Direct Restriction Checker.

You can also subscribe to recieve the Department of Health and Aged Care COVID-19 newlsetter for GPs

Visit the following websites

Page updated 16 December 2021