palliAGED Apps

palliAGED Apps

The palliAGED apps provide nurses and GPs with easy and convenient access to information to help them care for people approaching the end of their life. Timely access to palliative care information can support the clinical care being provided.  An online-offline capacity means they can use the apps anywhere in Australia. As the app is web-based, it can be updated as new evidence and resources are released.


This smartphone app supports GPs who are caring for older palliative patients living at home or in residential care. As most deaths are expected, death can be planned for and the required care delivered in a pre-emptive fashion. General practitioners (GPs) have a central role in planning and providing for that care.

The app makes use of a framework of care which starts with a GP considering if they would be surprised if this patient died in the next 6 to 12 months. The key clinical processes resulting from their assessment are – advance care plan, case conference, or terminal care management plan. The app provides information and resources to support each of these and includes prescribing support for common symptoms experienced in the terminal phase.

palliAGEDgp is now available for free download from iTunes and PlayTM online app store

If you don't have a smart phone or just prefer using a computer, you can view the content online through your web browser at


This app helps nurses working in residential aged care, community care and general practice to care for older people with palliative care needs. The app highlights a care framework built around three care processes – advance care planning, palliative care cases conferences and a care plan for the dying person. Nurses can navigate quickly to the three care processes. More specific information relevant to their practice setting can also be found.

palliAGEDnurse is now available for free download from iTunes and PlayTM online app stores.

If you don't have a smart phone or just prefer using a computer, you can view the content online through your web browser at

Page updated 16 March 2022