Talking about dying - resources

Talking about dying - resources

For everyone

  • CareSearch Dying2Learn Hub has a range of resources and interactive options for you to explore discussions about death and dying.
  • Palliative Care Australia's Dying to Talk resources help you to start conversations and to reflect on your values and your preferences for end-of-life care.
  • Talking About Dying is hard, a video and guidance from the Department of Health on what to think about and steps to take.
  • Death Café is an international, community run program that brings together people who would like a safe place to eat cake, drink tea and talk about death. The aim is help people make the most of their lives. Check out this map from Death Cafes to see if there is a local group near you.
  • Dying to understand is a registered Australian charity providing a space to gather resources and join in conversations about living with a terminal illness, death and dying.
  • If you have cancer, call Cancer Council Australia on 13 11 20 if you need help telling people. They can help you find the words that feel right for you. You could also ask your doctor or members of your care team to help you share the news.
  • Death over Dinner Australia can help you to organise an event for people in your community to come together and talk about death and dying.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

  • Caring for your mob at the end of their life is from the Australian government, and includes information on how to start yarning about end-of-life care.
  • It is important to talk about end of life care so you can make plans. Advance Care Yarning (1.14MB pdf). From the South Australian Government is a short booklet on getting started.
  • Palliative care Australia has useful tools and resources to help you start yarning about death including a Discussion starter booklet and games for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Cultural and linguistically diverse people

  • If you are finding it hard to talk about what happens at the end of life here are some videos and podcasts that may help you to understand palliative care in preparation to start a discussion. Videos are available in Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Italian and Mandarin. Podcasts are also available in Cantonese, Croatian, Greek, Mandarin, Spanish and Ukrainian.
  • Commonwealth Non-English speakers / Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National). Interpreters are available to help you talk with someone in your own language. It is a good idea to ask for one if interacting with medical and health care professionals. Most services through TIS National are free. Sometimes there may be a cost for the service. For daytime and after-hours services, you can call them on Tel: 131 450.
  • Palliative Care Australia has a dying2talk package, What matters most for older Australians, including a discussion starter booklet and cards to prompt conversations in different languages.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex

  • QLife is funded by the Australian government to provide anonymous, LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about a range of issues. If you need someone to talk to about death and dying call them or chat online.
  • Watch this video that has experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people that have experienced being cared for or have cared for others nearing end of life. End of life care for LGBT people.
  • To connect with services and resources that are inclusive of diverse genders, bodies, sexualities and relationships of older Australians go to Silver Rainbow.

Living with intellectual disability

  • In this video, We are Living Well but Dying Matters, from the UK group Dying Matters, people with learning disabilities share stories and their wishes to support other people with learning disabilities in becoming comfortable in talking about dying, death and bereavement.
  • Talking End of Life with people with intellectual disability (TEL) provides a range of resources including videos to support those caring for people with intellectual disability to have important conversations.

Older people

Rural and remote areas

Accessing palliative care services in rural and remote areas can be more challenging.

  • From Cancer Council Australia, Rural Cancer Stories brings you the stories of country cancer patients. Stories include, how they have coped and continue to cope with cancer, things they wish they knew earlier and practical tips they want to share.

Page created 12 November 2021