Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future

Sorting out your affairs

As we age, things can change, and we need to plan for changing needs and circumstances including end of life. Advance care planning and organising financial and legal matters is important.

Advance care planning

Advance care planning is about documenting your wishes so they can speak for you when you no longer can. This will help your family and friends to make decisions about your care if you cannot.

The brief slide show below explains what advance care planning is.

Advance care planning in 5 easy steps


Financial and legal matters

As you get older, it is important to make sure your financial and legal matters are in order. This will help you if care needs change and you need extra support. It will also make it easier for your family in managing your affairs at the end of life and after your death.

Appointing someone who can act with the power of attorney and the power of guardianship means they can manage your financial and lifestyle affairs if you are no longer able to. A Substitute Decision Maker will make decisions about your care at the end of life if you are not able to. If memory and cognition are likely to become a problem, make sure you complete needed documents early.

MoneySmart has information on how to help older Australians with money matters.

Palliative care

Support is available for older people nearing the end of their life, whether living at home or in an aged care home. GPS, nurse practitioners, nurse, allied health, and aged care staff work together to support older people coming to the end of their life.

Specialist palliative care services may also be involved in providing care for people with a terminal illness.

You can find out more about palliative care in the What is palliative care section.