Shared Decision Making

Shared Decision Making

Topic - Helping patients make informed decisions: Communicating benefits and risks.


Four modules on Communicating risks and benefits and shared decision making including the topics of:

  • Helping patients make good decision
  • Why risk communication is important
  • Models of shared decision making
  • Choice talk (explaining options)


Basic to Intermediate

Target Audience

Healthcare Professionals

Time to Complete

2 hours


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)


Course of 4 learning modules to support clinicians develop and refine their skills in communicating effectively about the benefits and risks of treatment options with patients; and 3 videos developed with RACGP that provide an overview on shared decision making, 

This course challenge myths about shared decision making in practice, and explain how to use patient decision aids and where to find them. By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • describe why it is important for clinicians to effectively communicate benefits, harms, trade-offs and uncertainties with patients
  • explain the inter-relationship between shared decision making, evidence-based medicine and patient-centred care in the context of communicating benefits and
  • list key communication skills needed when talking with patients about evidence
  • explain how to effectively communicate statistical information to patients
  • outline the role of decision support tools, potential uses and where to locate them.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is jointly funded by all state, territory, and federal Australian governments on a cost sharing basis, and the Commission’s annual program of work is developed in consultation with the Australian, state and territory Health Ministers.

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Page created 28 May 2019