

These articles are part of the Palliative Perspectives blog addressing palliative care, and end-of-life care issues around ageing and aged care.

Aged care staff experiences following resident/client death

A blog post written by Dr. Anna Lane

  • 3 December 2021
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Aged care staff experiences following resident/client death

Dr. Anna Lane explores the experiences of aged care staff following a resident or client's death, and how it may potentially impact their lives.

Connecting culturally diverse Australians to palliative care information

A blog post written by Helena Kyriazopoulos, CEO, Multicultural Communities Council of SA

  • 1 November 2021
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Connecting culturally diverse Australians to palliative care information

Many people from diverse backgrounds find understanding and accessing palliative care support and services difficult. CEO of Multicultural Communities Council of SA (MCCSA) Helena Kyriazopoulos, discusses how the new CareSearch portal makes it easier for diverse communities to access information.

palliAGED and CareSearch - more than partners in palliative care

A blog post written by Dr Katrina Erny-Albrecht, Senior Research Fellow, CareSearch, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University

  • 18 October 2021
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
palliAGED and CareSearch - more than partners in palliative care

Dr Katrina Erny-Albrect, Senior Research Fellow for CareSearch describes the relationship between CareSearch and palliAGED and the benefits of partnering with organisations to help people find palliative care information and resources.

Planning for end of life

A blog post written by Judith Leeson AM

  • 7 October 2021
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Planning for end of life

Judith Leeson AM discusses the importance of planning for the end of life and how information and guidance can be found in the new CareSearch Portal to help start discussions.

Introducing the new CareSearch portal

A blog post written by Professor Jennifer Tieman, CareSearch Director, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University

  • 21 September 2021
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Introducing the new CareSearch portal

Today the CareSearch Project has launched its new portal. In this blog, CareSearch Director Jennifer Tieman discusses why and how the new CareSearch Portal was developed, and the research, consultations, and partnerships that shaped its content and design.
