

These articles are part of the Palliative Perspectives blog addressing palliative care, and end-of-life care issues around ageing and aged care.

What you need to know about Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Implementation in South Australia

What you need to know about Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Implementation in South Australia

  • 14 September 2022
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  • Number of views: 0
What you need to know about Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Implementation in South Australia

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act was passed by the South Australian Parliament on 24 June 2021. Kate Swetenham, Clinical Lead for End of Life Care at SA Health, shares information on the Act and the next steps.

There’s an elephant in the room of residential aged care

A blog post written by Janelle White

  • 7 September 2022
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
There’s an elephant in the room of residential aged care

Often palliative care is seen as a taboo subject within residential aged care. Janelle White, a registered nurse who specialises in palliative care, highlights why this should not be the case and describes the Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP) that aims to overcome this.

Better support needed for general practitioners to provide community palliative care

A blog post written by Dr. Jinfeng Ding

  • 25 August 2022
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Better support needed for general practitioners to provide community palliative care

Dr. Jinfeng Ding discusses the central role GPs play in meeting the palliative care needs of patients and the multiple challenges faced.

Cognitive impairment and dementia – using evidence to make a difference

A blog post written by Dr. Katrina Erny-Albrecht & Susan Gravier

  • 3 August 2022
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Cognitive impairment and dementia – using evidence to make a difference

Dr. Katrina Erny-Albrecht and Susan Gravier outline how the latest evidence and research findings can be used to make a positive difference to the lives of people with cognitive impairment and dementia.

Intentional self-care for Palliative Care Professionals

A blog post written by Jonathan Ramachenderan

  • 27 July 2022
  • Author:
  • Number of views: 0
Intentional self-care for Palliative Care Professionals

Dr. Jonathan Ramachenderan highlights the significance of self-care for palliative care professionals, drawing from his personal experiences as reference.
