When providing care, context matters. It affects many aspects of care including what is appropriate and what is possible. In this section you will find links to websites, projects, organisations, and journals relevant to the Australian aged care sector.
Government websites and funded agencies
Aged care projects
National palliative care projects and initiatives
- Advance Care Planning Australia: Supports health practitioners, care workers, and students to increase knowledge and skills in advance care planning
- Advance Project: Provides practical, evidence-based resources and training for aged care and primary care professionals to initiate advance care planning and palliative care
- CarerHelp: Provides free information, resources and advice, including managing grief and loss, to help when caring for a loved one.
- CareSearch: Delivers palliative care evidence and tools for health professionals, and provides information about death and dying for the whole community
- caring@home: Resources to support health professionals, Australian-wide clinical services, and families to improve palliative care delivery in the home for all Australians
- Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care measure: A measure which aims to help older Australians living in residential aged care who are nearing the end of their life
- End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC): A project which provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians
- End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC)
This project helps clinicians learn about end-of-life law and the effects this has on end-of-life care and palliative care for patients.
- Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care Program: A project which aims to improve palliative care coordination through Primary Health Networks (PHNs)
- Indigenous Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (IPEPA): Prepares mainstream and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals to deliver high quality, holistic, and culturally responsive palliative care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their loved ones.
- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia : Works with the palliative care sector to provide appropriate services and increase knowledge and awareness of palliative care within LGBTIQ+ communities.
- palliAGED: Provides palliative care evidence and practice information resources for the Australian aged care sector, and provides support for health practitioners, care practitioners, resource developers, and for older Australians, their families, and friends.
- Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP): A project with the primary objective of systematically improving palliative and end of life care through routine assessment of residents’ needs.
- Palliative Care Pharmacist Foundation Training Program : A program that will equip pharmacists with the knowledge and skills to support patients receiving palliative care in the community, including aged care.
- Palliative Care Service Navigation Pilot : A trial of a patient navigator model to strengthen access to palliative and end of life care pathways in South Australia.
- Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA): A program which helps health professionals to deliver palliative care through training placements and interactive workshops. The PEPA Aged Care program brings specialist educators to work onsite with staff at aged care services for a period of 3-4 days.
Australian professional and research organisations
Selected Australian support organisations
Australian academic journals
- Australian Health Review: Explores health policy and management including healthcare delivery systems, clinical programs, and health financing
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (AJAN): Aims to inform and empower nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals to improve the health and wellbeing of all communities
- Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP): Aims to provide relevant, evidence-based, clearly articulated information to Australian general practitioners (GPs)
- Australian Journal of Rural Health (AJRH): Focused on advancing rural, remote, and regional health practice, research, and outcomes
- Australasian Journal on Ageing (AJA): Aims to communicate the best evidence that influences policy and practice to improve ageing and the lives of older people
- Rural and Remote Health (rrh): Serves rural and remote communities, and publishes articles by rural health practitioners, educators, researchers, and policy makers
Page updated 14 March 2025