

These articles are part of the Palliative Perspectives blog addressing palliative care, and end-of-life care issues around ageing and aged care.

Strategies to improve service and client outcomes in aged care

A guest blog post from Diana Harrison, Jennifer Gavin, Melissa Brodie and Rebecca Moore, ELDAC Facilitators from Queensland University of Technology

  • 14 January 2019
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Strategies to improve service and client outcomes in aged care

When older Australians require multiple specialists and teams for their care, how do you keep everyone on the same page? In their latest blog, the ELDAC facilitator team from QUT share strategies to partner with other services to improve the care that older Australians receive at the end of life.

Recognising the need for end of life directions in aged care

A guest blog post from Professor Jennifer Tieman, CareSearch Director, Discipline Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University

  • 3 January 2019
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  • Number of views: 0
Recognising the need for end of life directions in aged care

Did you know that in the next 25 years, the number of Australians who die each year will almost double? Australia needs to be ready to care for older people as they come to the end of their life, and ELDAC (End of Life Directions for Aged Care) has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to help meet this need. Find out more about ELDAC and how the project can help by reading the blog by Professor Jennifer Tieman, ELDAC Project Co-Lead, Flinders University and CareSearch Director.

LGBTI Elders and Older People - Initiatives in Aged and Palliative Care

A guest blog post from Samantha Edmonds, Silver Rainbow - National Project Manager, National LGBTI Health Alliance

  • 22 November 2018
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  • Number of views: 0
LGBTI Elders and Older People - Initiatives in Aged and Palliative Care

Up to 11% of Australians are of diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. However, accessing appropriate health and aged care services remains difficult for many older LGBTI Australians. Samantha Edmonds of the National LGBTI Health Alliance discusses current initiatives and the work that still needs to be done in providing inclusive, person-centred aged and palliative care services.

Palliative approach offers peace of mind

A guest blog post by Mark Butler, Chaplaincy and Palliative Care Manager, Eldercare

  • 6 November 2018
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Palliative approach offers peace of mind

Implementing a palliative approach to care enables residential aged care facilities to support the quality of life, comfort and dignity for each of their resident from admission to death. Mark Butler from Eldercare discusses how their organisation implemented a palliative approach, and the benefits it brings to their residents and their families and multidisciplinary staff members.

Three things you need to know about dementia and dying

A guest blog post by Kirsty Carr, National Policy and Strategy Advisor, Dementia Australia

  • 1 November 2018
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  • Number of views: 0
Three things you need to know about dementia and dying

Many of us are unaware that Dementia is a terminal illness. It is currently the second leading cause of death overall in Australia. Kirsty Carr from Dementia Australia discusses three things you need to know about dementia and dying. 
