

These articles are part of the Palliative Perspectives blog addressing palliative care, and end-of-life care issues around ageing and aged care.

Where is the older LGBT community?

A guest blog post by Claire Allen, National Program Manager of Pride in Health + Wellbeing, part of ACON’s Pride Inclusion Programs

  • 12 February 2020
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Where is the older LGBT community?

It is estimated that 11% of the older Australian population are of diverse sexualities or genders (often referred to by using the acronyms LGBT, LGBTI or LGBTQ), yet we often do not see and celebrate our diverse older people. Claire Allen, National Program Manager of Pride of Health + Wellbeing discusses why older Australians who identify as LGBT are not a visible part of the community and ideas for aged care services to welcome and support them.

The Peace of Mind Project: Raising Community Awareness about Dementia, Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care

A guest blog post by Anne Harley, Integrated Health Coordinator, South Western Sydney PHN

  • 30 January 2020
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The Peace of Mind Project: Raising Community Awareness about Dementia, Advance Care Planning and Palliative Care

Eleven Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia are implementing the Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) measure. In the second blog in our series on GCfAHPC, Anne Harley, Integrated Health Coordinator at South Western Sydney PHN discusses their 'Peace of Mind' project and activities to raise community awareness about dementia, advance care planning and palliative care.

Enabling Choice for South Australians (ECSA)

A guest blog post by Julie Armitage, Palliative Care Improvement Coordinator and Lyn McVee, Palliative Care Improvement Facilitator, Adelaide PHN

  • 22 January 2020
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Enabling Choice for South Australians (ECSA)

Eleven Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia are implementing the Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) measure. In the first of our blog series on GCfAHPC, Julie Armitage and Lyn McVee from Adelaide PHN discuss the 'Enabling Choice for South Australians' project and the activities they implemented to enable and support capacity building and quality continuous improvement in palliative and end-of-life care.

CareSearch and palliAGED consolidating resources for aged care

A guest blog post by Katrina Erny-Albrecht, Senior Research Fellow, CareSearch, Flinders University

  • 29 November 2019
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CareSearch and palliAGED consolidating resources for aged care

Access to evidence and trustworthy resources is an important part of providing best practice palliative care for older Australians. Dr Katrina Erny-Albrecht from CareSearch, discusses how the CareSearch/palliAGED information and resources for the aged care sector have now been consolidated into a single site to improve the ease of finding this information, and highlights where to go for information relevant to your needs.

Tackling eye and mouth care during end of life

A guest blog post by Karen Gregory, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse, Resthaven Inc. SA

  • 16 October 2019
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  • Number of views: 0
Tackling eye and mouth care during end of life

Symptom management is a large component of maintaining a person’s comfort at the end of life, along with supporting spiritual, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the person and their loved ones. Karen Gregory from Resthaven Inc. discusses how routine comfort measures often thought about at this time are around pain relief, comfortable positioning, skin care, urinary and bowel care, mouth and eye care. She refers to the palliAGED Practice Tip Sheets and gives tips on simple techniques to maintain comfort of the eyes and mouth which can make a high impact on the quality of life during the last days of life. 
