palliAGED News


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palliAGED News

Emergency Planning and Management

A palliative care emergency is a sudden and life-threatening change in a person’s condition. In this scenario, handovers of care are particularly important to reduce risk of receiving inappropriate treatment. Planning ahead for possible emergencies is good practice and can improve the quality and safety of care. Check out our Evidence Summary and our practice points.

Posted: 28/06/2017

Order resources

You can email us at to order our palliAGED poster, factsheet or brochure to share with colleagues.

Posted: 21/06/2017

Minister's Launch Speech

You can view Minister Wyatt speech on our Vimeo channel.

Posted: 6/06/2017

Palliative Perspectives Blogs

Three new aged care blogs have been published:

Posted: 29/05/2017
palliAGED Launch

palliAGED Launch

palliAGED was launched on 25 May 2017 by the Minister of Ageing, the Hon Ken Wyatt, AM.

The palliAGED site supports nurses and care workers in residential aged care or community care, GPs and general practice nurses, allied health professionals and support staff with evidence, tools, guidance and practice resources about palliative care for older Australians. There is also information and resources for older people and their families.


Posted: 16/05/2017