palliAGED Resources for Standard 3
palliAGED has resources can be used to support consumers, aged care staff and the service when considering how Standard 3 applies in the context of care at the end of life. Resources that address care quality and personalisation, identifying and responding to deterioration, appropriate documentation and communication, and timely referral are included.
Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning can enable a person’s wishes to be known when they can no longer speak for themselves. palliAGED has an evidence overview on advance care planning as well as practice resources.
Case Conferences
A family meeting or case conference can assist with communication between patient, key family members, substitute decision-makers and the care team. It can help plan care and make decisions relating to end of life in accordance with a person’s preferences. Resources and sample forms including family forms can be found in the practice centre. There is also an evidence overview.
Most older people will be able to receive palliative care and end-of-life care where they normally live. Referral for specialist palliative care may be appropriate for some people to manage severe symptoms, to respond to extreme distress or to provide specific care planning support. The Practice Centre Referral page resources can help identify palliative care services.
Specific Needs
Respect for the needs of individuals and groups with specific needs is embedded within a human rights approach to ageing and health including care at the end-of-life. Specific needs pages provide end-of-life guidance and resources about older Australians living in the community or in aged care facilities who may have specific needs. This enables staff and services to provide care that is customised for the individual.
Developing Workforce Knowledge and Competency
Caring for older Australians at the end-of-life requires a workforce that is skilled and knowledgeable. Being able to access relevant training and learning can help individuals and organisations. The palliAGED Training and Education pages provide links to a wide selection of online courses. In addition, our Practice Tip Sheets can be used by individuals or for in-house training activities.