Discrimination - Resources

Discrimination - Resources

For everyone

  • Everyone has a right to safe, quality healthcare in Australia. If you have a serious complaint about a hospital, medical centre, doctor, nurse or any other health service provider, you can approach them directly to discuss your concerns. If you can’t resolve your complaint, or don’t feel comfortable approaching the service provider, you can contact the health complaints commissioner in your state or territory. Healthdirect has a list of state contacts.
  • The Australian Charter of Rights describes what you or someone you care for can expect from your health care provider. If you have a question about your rights here are some useful contacts.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex

Older people

  • The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) offer ways to stay connected and supported in your community. To connect with an aged care advocacy organisation in your state or territory contact TEL: 1800 700 600 8am - 8pm Mon to Fri, 10am to 4pm Sat.

Page created 12 November 2021