CLiP for Adults Online Tutorials (UK)

CLiP for Adults Online Tutorials (UK)

Topic - Care issues in palliative care for adults


The Current Learning in Palliative Care (CLiP) series aims to help you understand different care issues in palliative care and includes the following broad topics each of which is presented as two or more subunits for individual learning:

  • Introduction to palliative care
  • Helping the patient with pain
  • Helping patients with symptoms other than pain
  • Moving the ill patient
  • Planning care in advance
  • Psychological needs
  • Helping the patient with reduced hydration and nutrition
  • Procedures in palliative care
  • Helping people with communication difficulties
  • The last hours and days
  • Bereavement


Basic / Intermediate / Advanced - the level of each module is identified

Time to Complete

Less than one hour

Target Audience

Students, caregivers, health care workers generally, palliative care professionals


Based on material from Helping the Patient with Advanced Disease: A Workbook, Regnard C, ed. Radcliffe Medical Press 2004


A great resource - a user-friendly set of brief online or pdf tutorials, designed either as 'coffee updates' or teaching resources or a self-teaching programme that can be used in any order.
Each topic presents a brief case, and then there are a set of related activities. Topics are well-referenced. Some aspects of prescribing and planning are specific to the UK - this should be taken into account when using or referring to the resources.

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Student Support



Available on completion of multiple-choice questions

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Page created 28 May 2019