Australian Psychological Society

Australian Psychological Society

Topic - Mental health residential aged care


The Australian Psychological Society (APS) provides a number of online learning opportunities to support carers of older people including the following:

Supporting the mental health of older people in residential aged care: Mental health awareness training (21983)

The training comprises of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to ageing (2 hours)
  • Module 2: Working in residential aged care facilities (2 hours)
  • Module 3: Mental health issues and effective treatments (2 hours)

Applied mental health in residential aged care: Practical program for clinicians (21490)

The training comprises of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Ageing: Facts, Attitudes and Myths (2 hours)
  • Module 2: Aged care and the Australian residential aged care environment (2 hours)
  • Module 3: Mental health issues of older people living in residential aged care facilities (2 hours)
  • Module 4: Evidence-based treatments (2 hours)


Intermediate to Advanced

Target Audience

21983 (awareness training) is intended for non-mental health trained workers who work with older people within residential aged care settings including registered nurses, physiotherapists, audiologists, speech pathologists, dieticians, peer worker.

21490 is designed for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health nurses, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers.

Time to Complete

For each part, 2 hours.


The courses have been developed by the APS Institute.


Other courses of likely interest include:

Registration Required


Payment Required


Student Support



Yes. Most courses provide CPD hours

Country of Origin


Web Address


Last updated 10 February 2023