Talking with others - resources

Talking with others - resources

For everyone

  • Ask your health care team if they use the What Matters To You? form (1.20MB pdf).
  • You can use the Palliative Care Australia form for What Matters Most to write down your story and want you want others to know and understand about you.
  • Baptist care SA have developed the My Choices resource to facilitate end of life support. You can download a pdf or word document and fill in your information for: My personal contacts, my personal administration, my health, my care, my death.

Cultural and linguistically diverse people

  • Beyond Blue provide free translated resources that can help you to access mental health support including for depression or anxiety you can call: 1300 224 636 24 hours/7 days per week.


  • Homelessness Australia have resources and helplines available if you require assistance due to being homeless. Each state has a different phone number and operates within different hours.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex

  • To access peer support Diverse Voices provides webchat and telephone support with their online counselling service. You can register for an online webchat or call their peer support line Tel: 1800 184 527 with their partner organisation QLife. Watch this video about QLife peer support.

Rural and remote areas

  • Accessing services in rural and remote communities can be difficult, leading to isolation. Men are particularly affected by this isolation and it can lead to feeling of anxiety and depression. Beyond Blue - men in rural and remote areas provide resources for knowing the signs and symptoms to look for and how to take action.


  • Open Arms veteran and families counselling offer mental health support for current and ex- serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families. You can arrange a counselling and online appointment and group treatments.
  • Veterans 360 Australia (V360A) crisis line 1800 838 360 is a free 24 hour service. Contact V360A if you are in crisis, experiencing homelessness or in mental health crisis.
  • The partners of veterans association of Australia Inc. is a support network for the partners of Australian Defence for Personnel. They have resources on health and wellbeing. P.V.A.'s National 1300 Helpline TEL: 1300 553 835.
  • Grieflink offer services to those that are feeling a sense of loss or grief associated with military service and cancer or terminal illness. They offer resources for those who wish to learn more about grief and loss.


Page created 12 November 2021